Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Received strength

Hebrews 11:11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

Some of us feel we are not qualified to walk in faith, but notice today's message points out to you that we "receive strength" from God to exercise our faith. Can we say Amen! Sarah "received strength to conceive!" Well, her strength to activate her faith to expect God to do a miracle through her, at such an advanced age of 90 came from God. Sometimes we feel, "it is too late", "it is getting worst", "is this possible"? The devil accuses us day and night. He likes to push us into dismay, because then we cannot be strong; but the Bible says, "be strong in the Lord" (Ephesians 6:10) Friend, we are not alone in the battle, God would give us the necessary strength to trust Him.. We all at one stage or the other, we face the 'How' test. "How am I going to do this when I've never done it before?"

A church in Boston refused to allow Dwight L. Moody to join because they said his beliefs seemed so uncertain. But this man turned out to be a great man of God and shook the world for Jesus. Amen. God would help you grow too, take heart friend!

We often look back on difficult times with a fond remembrance because we realize we grew the most there. I think faith is very similar. Perhaps we will look back on our life and realize that it was only after a time of question or doubt that we grew in faith and understanding. It motivated us to search and explore and pray and read. And we came away with an even greater faith.

Friend, it was not easy for Abraham and Sarah to trust God. Abraham received the promise for a child at the age of 75 but he had to go through many hardships, heart aches up to the age of 100, when he finally received the promise. The strength to wait, endure pain and sufferings comes from God. As we look at the example of Abraham and Sarah, we can see that it is God who does the enabling; it is God who gives the power to overcome the impossible; in each situation it is His work and His alone.

If there is sin in your life, please bring it to the Lord because sin can make you feel insecure and weak. Confess it and leave it.

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