Friday, April 30, 2010

Behind the scene!

Daniel 10:12 “Then he said to me, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.”

From the very first day Daniel prayed, his prayers were heard and an angel was sent. BUT this is one of those rare times God pulls back the curtain and lets us see what’s happening behind the scenes. Many of us are wondering, “what’s up, is God hearing my prayers?” Let me answer you today, He not only hears but is also at work! An angel is sent from the throne of God to answer our prayers. Isn’t that exciting?

George Mueller was known for his powerful prayer. In the course of his ministry to the orphans of England, he never asked for financial assistance from men - only God... and he constantly received what was needed to the penny. George Muller also taught his orphanage children to pray for their needs.

Dear friends, we need to pull up our socks and start doing some hard prayer. Many times, people give up because they don’t feel like praying. Do we give up on eating just because we don’t feel like eating, don’t we eat something just to get energy? Likewise, when you don’t feel like praying that is when you need to defy the evil forces and get down on your knees. Pray at any cost! Feelings and mood does not matter, get serious with God. Let Him know that He is the source of all blessings! Do you have problems at home and at work? Is there a medical report that is terrifying you? Are you worried about your children? Is there a financial need? Are you without a job? Prayer is the answer!

R.A. Torrey says, “There is a faith that goes beyond expectation, that believes that the prayer is heard and the promise granted.”

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