Friday, October 8, 2010


Hope is a firm expectation, which makes you have confidence in someone or something! The synonym of hope is trust or confidence. That hope and expectation is reflected in every word that comes out of your mouth. It is impossible to speak gloom and doom, and walk in hope! Your words will always give it away as to what you really believe in your heart. You might say one thing, when you are attempting to impress your church friends, or the Pastor. However, in times when an unexpected event takes place, or you are "caught off-guard," your words will reflect what you really believe.

Faith, on the other hand, is a firm conviction in the accomplishment of something; the confidence that one's expectation will be met or fulfilled soon! "Without faith, it is impossible to even please God!" Remember, God rewards them "who diligently seek Him." As you diligently seek Him and hold fast to your confession, you will rise up higher, and see the victory and blessing the Lord has in store for you. When you step out and ask for God's favor, His blessings, and His increase, you are activating your faith. Talk to Him; He has been waiting for you!

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