"The Lord will keep you in perfect peace, if you keep your mind stayed on Him." ~ Isaiah 26:3
Your thoughts determine your future! You cannot make a decision, or make a move, without first thinking about it, and it changes the course of your life. The way you think will determine your success or failure. That's why it's so important to keep your thoughts on God's Word, and seek His plan for your life. Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." My Friend, you just cannot think negative thoughts and expect a positive outcome. Change your thoughts, and it will change you!
In your relationships, are you a conformer or a transformer? Align your thoughts with Christ and He'll begin to align your relationships with His will. There are two kinds of people in relationships: thermometers and thermostats. A thermometer conforms to the temperature around it. It registers what the temperature is, and you know the temperature of the environment by looking at the thermometer. It doesn't affect the temperature in any way. It only reflects it! A thermostat, on the other hand, controls the environment! It has a specific setting that it's "tuned-to." If the temperature doesn't measure up to that setting, the thermostat kicks in and turns on the heat, or the air-conditioner, and causes the temperature to adjust... until it falls into line with the thermostat's setting. Thermostats are agents of change! A thermometer conforms to its environment; a thermostat transforms its environment.
We are called to be transformers, not conformers in our world, and in our relationships! However, most of us are thermometers. We can tell you the temperature of our relationships, but we cannot do much about it. If we're going to affect change in our relationships, in our community, and in our world, we must become transformers. We must become thermostats!
We become thermostats by changing our minds, and therefore, aligning our thoughts with the mind of Christ! Our minds will only be changed, when we immerse ourselves in God's Word, the Bible, on a regular basis. His Word equips us for every good work. It prepares us for life and for the relationships we have in life. It is the Word of God and only the Word of God that can change our minds, and equip us to be thermostats in our relationships.
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