Thursday, August 19, 2010

How does God speaks to "YOU"

"I will maintain my righteousness and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live." ~ Job 27:6

God speaks to us in many ways! One way is through that "still small voice," our conscience. Often, that is the voice of Holy Spirit directing you, encouraging you, or giving you an advance warning. When you feel uneasiness and unrest, the Lord may be saying, "Watch out, there's danger ahead." If you ignore these warnings, and continue down the path you have chosen, you could possibly experience destruction, heartache, and pain. Conscience is the voice of the human spirit.

God gave man a conscience! Conscience is the internal ability to discern what is right and what is wrong. The conscience is the source of all guilt. When we sin, or we are about to make a wrong decision, our conscience comes alive and condemns or warns us. Most Christians, however, live with a guilty conscience! This stems from a lack of teaching and understanding of the purpose of the cross of Jesus. That's why most prayer-life is based on begging, not believing! The miracle of the New Covenant is a clean conscience, according to God's Word. A spirit of condemnation is the greatest enemy to faith. We get the idea that until we "feel right," we have no "rights." God's blessings are not based on our gifts and talents, but on the work of Calvary, and the Person of Jesus Christ.

The cross opened up the doorway for us to enter into the Holy of Holies! In the Old Testament, only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies. There was a huge veil there (60 ft. high) that separated the Ark of the Covenant (representative of the presence of God) from the rest of the area. When Christ died on the cross, that veil was torn in two -- from top to bottom, because Christ's body had been torn in two. Your conscience, therefore, was your greatest enemy before you were born-again, but your greatest friend after your salvation.

Never compromise! Never compromise in your marriage, your business, or with your family. Listen to the "still small voice" inside that warns you of possible danger, and obey it. When you do, you will stay on God's best path, and enjoy the life of victory and abundance that He has in store for you -- with no regrets!

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