Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chastening of the Almighty!

Job 5:17"Behold. Happy is the man who God corrects; therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For he bruises, but He binds up; He wounds but His Hands make whole."

Sometimes we may have to undergo painful periods of illness, financial loss, hurts, insults, false accusations and rejections, in order for God's plan to be accomplished in our life. May be you ask, what gain would I have from pain? A deeper work is done in our heart through these periods when we are able to think, analyze and be convicted of sinful areas in our life. Our hard, rebellious heart needs severe treatment for purification. I recently read about a woman who was hospitalized for terminal illness and while she lay there in her hospital bed lonely and shattered, she remembered the way she manipulated and kept her husband to her self all her life and never allowed him to mix with his family. But not too late, God punished her for her sins and made her repent for her sins by keeping away people from her when she needed them the most. God deals with us in His own way but never to destroy us but to break our sinful areas and build our lives. Can we say Amen!

One day a man came to see me for prayers. He narrated his pathetic story of being cheated terribly by two people and now his job and life were in stake. He was sobbing and said that he would like to end his life. I consoled and prayed for him. The next day his wife came to see me and told me that her husband had been cheating her for the last six years by living with a widow with two children and refuses to leave her. This man who came to see me was rightly punished by God for cheating his wife. God is a righteous judge! What you sow is what you will reap! You cannot get away with cheating others, people would one day fall in the grave that they have dug for others.

If you had been insulting, abusing and ill treating your wife or any other members, be sure, God would bring that on you through some other sources. God would surely do it!

Before I walked into Ministry, God took me through a crash course of pain, insults, failures and loneliness. Initially I rebelled and yelled for help, not knowing that the Potter's Hand was on me; every scar has molded and shaped me as a vessel for His use. Watch out, every suffering in your life would one day turn out to be a blessing for you!

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