Thursday, April 22, 2010


Joshua 1:9"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

After the death of his great mentor Moses, above are the words of God to Joshua. The same God who tells Joshua, "I am with you", looks at you and says the same. I am with you! Have you ever felt like you are the only one left with no shoulder to lean on? Picture this. When you are sitting at home browsing the net for a job, how does it feel to watch others rush to work? It certainly hurts. There are those who are single and lonely. Friend, there are certain things in life that we need to endure. How long can I live 'all-by-myself' may be the cry of many, but we need to go through the path.

When Campbell G Morgan was a young Christian he used to visit several elderly ladies to read the Bible to them. When he came to the end of Matthew's Gospel, Morgan read, Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the age, He added Isn't that a wonderful promise? One of the ladies quickly replied, "Young man that is not a promise. It's a fact."

A middle aged woman who attended one of my meetings, wept bitterly during my sermon. The Holy Spirit was dealing with her through the Word! She came to me after the meeting and confessed the sin of adultery in her life. Being an orphan without anybody to love her, she had got into this illicit relationship with a married man living abroad who comes often to visit her. I sternly warned her about her sinful life and God's wrath which would come on her. She said,  since I had no one in my life, I got entangled into this affair for love as well as monetary benefits" I told her about God's unfailing love for her and never to look for love outside God. God brought about a wonderful transformation in her life. She quit the affair and trusted God for love and her needs. She faithfully attended our meetings and one day while I was out on the road, I could hear someone shout on the top of their voice , when I turned to look, I saw her radiant face in the auto-rickshaw waving her hand vigorously at me. Oblivious to the crowd, I responded with equal zeal, it was like a mother waving out to her lost child who has found the way. I am glad I lead her to Jesus! I write this with wet eyes!

Friend, I may not have answers to all the pain that you are going through in your life, but surely I can teach you to walk through it. Having gone through the path myself, I can show you the way. "Why am I still single?, "why am I divorced?", "why am I sick and lonely?", "why don't I prosper in my job?" and "why am I always a failure?", may be some of the questions in your heart today. Instead of getting bitter, trust God unconditionally to unfold the mysteries in your life. Do not listen to the lies of satan when he says, " God does not love you anymore", but instead believe the living Word which says, "I will not forsake you nor leave you."

"I cried, I am all-by-myself

When I heard Jesus say,

Surrender yourself,

No more do I feel like in a shell

Now that I am happy and well."

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