Friday, March 11, 2011

Give me a parking space…………

 One man I heard about was driving around in a crowded parking lot, trying to find a space. He finally got so frustrated and said, "God if you will give me a parking space, I'll attend the church every Sunday." Just then, a car backed out of the front row, and the frustrated driver pulled into the open spot. He looked up and said, "Never mind, God. I just found one." Too often, we forget that God is the giver of all good things. God is the one who caused us get that "lucky break." He's the one who caused us to be at the right place at the night time. How many times have you been driving on a busy highway and you said to yourself, "Whew! That car almost hit me. Another split second and I would have had an accident." That was God's hand of protection. Understand that there is no such thing as a coincidence when your life is directed by God. When something good happens to you, be sensitive, recognize the work of God and learn to recall it often. Sometimes, we take these things for granted. Some people don't even realize that it was God at work in their life. Maybe you used to think or speak negatively. You were depressed and defeated. Today, though you are rising higher; you know you are a victor and not a victim. Perhaps at one point you suffered with all kinds of addictions and pain. But God supernaturally delivered you, and today you are healthy and whole. Thank God for what He has done. Remember how He set you free from all bondages. Remembering where you came from is one of the best ways to keep yourself encouraged. When we learn to recall the good things God has done, it helps us to stay in an attitude of faith and to remain grateful. He is holding you in the palm of His hand, and He will take care of you. All you need to do is to remember what all He has done for you and praise Him. Give Him all the glory he deserves, because He alone is worthy to be praised.

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