Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trust Lord

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." ~ Psalm 118:8

God never told us to trust people! He told us to trust Him, and love people! It is vitally important that we know the difference. No matter what life may deal, we can stand tall, knowing that God has purposed our lives, and because He has spoken into our spirits, we can keep faith that His Word will not return void. No matter what comes our way, we still have joy! Watch the confidence and trust in Psalms 118:17, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord."

You may find you are not mentally, physically, emotionally, materially, or spiritually in the place you thought you would be! You had envisioned that life had more in store for you, and number one would be your spot! You had high hopes and big dreams! You dreamed your marriage would last, your children would grow up, and be model Christians, your business would be booming, your home would be nicer, your car would be newer, your paychecks would be bigger, and life would be better. You had aspirations of reaching the pinnacle of success and happiness. Yet, you look at the reality of it all, and find that life has not panned out quite the way you had planned. Life, its circumstances, and situations, has done a number on you, and in the midst of all of it, your dreams are now lying on the floor of your yesterdays.

Many cry and pray, but never really think that it is going to get any better! We adjust our dreams to accommodate our today, and stop pushing for more, figuring it's better to accept the status-quo than to press toward a mark that seems beyond our ability to reach. We quit mid-stream, mid-struggle, and start looking for the nearest bench on which to park ourselves, as we watch time and life pass us by.

I am here to tell somebody, "Don't throw in the towel, just yet!" It may appear all hope is gone, that everyone else is finishing the race without you, but it ain't over, my Friend! I must confess I have really struggled with this! No matter what is going on around you, the final point I want to make is that when it's all said and done, God has the last word! Put your trust and confidence in Him! You can count on Him!

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