You are great in the sight of God………..
There was a musician who was exceptionally talented and a gifted player of fiddle. He was once performing before a large audience, who were enjoying the heavenly melody with rapt attention and great appreciation. He was playing his own favourite fiddle which had four strings and a bow. As the program progressed, one of the strings broke. But he continued to perform without interruption. Then a second string also broke. Still he continued the music without break. After a while, the third string also broke. He continued his magic performance with a single string, with excellent expertise. His music was so melodious that no one could feel the great tragedy that occurred during the performance. This incident teaches us that for a really talented and gifted musician, a single string is sufficient to create a miraculous melody. The mighty Goliath was felled by a single small stone in the gifted hands of David, because God was with David {1 Samuel 17: 49, 50}. Jesus employed the simple and humble gift of five loaves and two fish from a boy to feed the thousands who had assembled to hear His sermon {John 6: 9-13}. God has given every person a generous gift of special talents, which we often hide and refuse to use. (Matthew 25: 14-30 and Luke 19: 11-27). “Each one of us has received a special gift in proportion to what Christ has given” {Ephesians 4: 7}. We must serve God and our fellow men utilizing fully, all the talents and gifts God has given to us (Ephesians 4:11, 12}.
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